Our Extreme Scientists
Our staff is comprised of individuals who are passionate about education, learning, and providing children with the opportunity to identify, grow, and foster their unique strengths and talents. We also care deeply about the families of our children and work to create a strong sense of community and spirit.
Cisco Jiménez |
Cisco Jimenez is the founder of our immensely popular camp, Extreme Science and is currently teaching chemistry at Cabrillo. Our ES students will be most fortunate to actually have a real scientists as their guide (MS Chemistry). At Magic Apple's Extreme Science Camp, students will be treated to a remarkable selection of dazzling science experiments as they grow to really love not just learning but all things science as well. Cisco has been consistently recognized as an outstanding teacher (nominated by students in his classes) with many remarking how his enthusiasm, dedication and creativity inspired them to continue as science majors.. Cisco is also affectionately known for his "renegade" science experiments as well and we are certain our students will enjoy both participating and observing. In his free time Cisco enjoys working out, singing and composing (he directed the Magic Apple choirs in our winter and spring shows),hiking, biking and photography. Cisco will also shares his favorite technology toys during Extreme Science Camp and the students have thoroughly enjoyed a myriad of experiences including his assortment of drones as well as his large 3-D and laser printers.
Minh Jimenez
Minh has two bachelors of science degrees, one in Bio-Chemistry and a second in Micro-Biology! She also loves to conduct "magical experiments" during Extreme Science camp and dazzle students with her many creative math and science based art projects. During Camp Western Town, Minh's alter ego appears (students get to pick their own western names and quite honestly their were many "salty" characters in the California Gold rush) where she is known as "Manical Minh"--and students' so enjoy her adventures! Minh also enjoys sharing literature with students and is also appreciated for her vast collection of multi-cultural tales as well as her wonderful British accent when reading from her beloved Harry Potter collection. Students enjoy Minh's cooking (and eating) projects and also love challenging her to a game of four-square as she is known for not only her athletic skills but also her competitive style
Fran Jimenez
Fran Jimenez is the founder of Camp Western Town and is affectionately known by hundreds of Aptos kids over many years as Flumin' Fran. He is the creative force behind Camp Western Town--from gold rushes, spirit awards, crazy competitions (miner's Olympic Games Western Idol talent show, to town laws debates and more. Fran is also noted for his humorous and inspirational style of teaching often using "hands on" experiences to insure student comprehension and retention. Fran also enthralls students as a master story teller, and whether it's true stories about famous characters of the old west or his own stories about going up as a migrant child, his students are often on the edge of their seats with laughter, concern, and smiles. Fran also has always loved science and has inspired many Magic Apple alumni who let him know that their college majors and science related careers were influenced by his contagious enthusiasm for science. Fran also brought mindfulness and meditation to our students and facilitates a remarkable environment of support where students feel comfortable in sharing and helping one another. Fran earned a Masters Degree and worked as an administrator for Pajaro Valley Unified School District before co-founding Magic Apple
Janice Jimenez
Jan Jimenez is the co-founded of Magic Apple, graduating with a degree in Social Science and a Standard Elementary credential. Jan is noted for her love of the arts and drama and can often be found creating and casting plays with students on Magic Apple's stage. Jan also loves music and has contributed songs and dances to both Magic Apple's holiday and spring shows. Magic Apple students love running for cooking helpers to assist Jan with her delicious cooking projects--from fresh Apple Crisp (made with just picked Apples) to a variety of chocolate recipes (Jan's favorite). Jan is also a gardener and students love working with her in our school greenhouse. Jan's favorite classes are Heroes of History. She has taught about many great heroes from all different walks of life including Ruby Bridges, JK Rowling, Booker T Washington and Wilma Rudolph. Jan also loves unique experiences for her students, including the I CANT funeral where students bury all the things they think they can't do to BABY EGG's (students carefully parent hollowed and decorated babies made of eggs). Typical of Jan is the serendipitous classes that become legendary as with Baby Egg World where student's design and create service businesses for the baby egg community :